Being by the Side of an Addict Requires some Knowledge as Well
Being a friend or family means sticking by thin and thick, especially if there is an addiction issue. As addiction causes multiple changes, both physical and psychological, the person might be violent, unresponsive or completely ignorant. As they go through severe alcohol withdrawal, they would need proper support from the loved ones.
- You have no power over the decisions made by others. You could think that it would be easier for the patient to prevent relapse if they would simply let others organize your appointments, assist with job applications, or handle this or that problem. Even so, it could be real. Yet the truth is that your buddy or relative needs to develop independent coping mechanisms independent of drugs and alcohol. Although it’s crucial to offer encouragement, remember that you cannot force someone to do anything. Attempting to force the matter will just result in unneeded tension.
- Simply showing up and showing you care is key. Your desire to assist a friend or loved one who is recovering says a lot about you and how much you want them to succeed in their recovery. Just by showing up and checking in, you can make a significant difference. Invite them out for coffee or a run, come over, or send them a text. Little by little, incorporate them into your life, and ask them to do the same.
- Recognize that not everything must alter. You may still conduct a lot of the same activities you used to do with your friend or loved one. You can hang out at their place or invite them over, work out together, go grocery shopping together, or just spend time and have fun. But it is not advised to drink around them, bring them to a bar, or take them anywhere else they will have access to drugs or alcohol.